Case: American Petroleum Institute v. SEC v. Oxfam Defending Transparency Regulations against Big Oil’s Challenge. When an oil industry group challenged U.S. regulations that would require disclosure of...
Case: Campos-Alvarez v. Newmont Mining Shooting Peaceful Mine Protesters in Peru. In Peru, police brutality against earth rights defenders is a systemic problem especially in...
Case: Chadín 2 Hydroelectric Power Project Request for Constitutional Protection for Earth Rights Defenders Affected by Chadin 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant. The Chadín 2 Hydroelectric Plant...
Case: Cheay Areng Dam The Cheay Areng Dam will displace approximately 1500 indigenous Chorng people who have called the Areng Valley home for over...
Case: Dawei Special Economic Zone One of the largest planned industrial zones in Southeast Asia could harm tens of thousands of people. Dawei Special Economic...
Case: Doe v. Unocal The First Case of its Kind: Holding a U.S. Company Responsible for Rape, Murder, and Forced Labor in Myanmar. When...
Case: Don Sahong Dam Mekong River dam will have dire impacts on the livelihoods, food security and environment of communities both upstream...
Case: Energy Transfer Partners v. Greenpeace, BankTrack, et al. Defending dissent and the right to free speech.
Case: Hatgyi Dam The Hatgyi dam is a proposed hydropower project on the Salween River in Myanmar, less than 50 kilometers from the...
Case: Lower Sesan 2 Dam The Lower Sesan 2 (LS2) dam is a hydropower project that began operating in 2017 on the Sesan River in...
Case: Oxfam America v. Securities and Exchange Commission Forcing the Securities and Exchange Commission to implement the U.S. extractive transparency law. When the U.S. Congress passed Section 1504...
Case: Sambor Dam Members of local communities have voiced concerns that this project will negatively impact their livelihoods and that they...
Case: Xayaburi Dam The Xayaburi dam is a hydropower project under construction on the Mekong River in northwest Laos, just across the border...
EarthRights Exposures: 2,400 Hectares A relocated resident from the Thilawa SEZ shares her experience.
EarthRights Exposures: The Land of Thilawa Thilawa resident questions the benefits of the SEZ for the community as they face relocation.
EarthRights Exposures: The Voice of Nam Khome Villager shares the potential impacts of the Mon Tong Dam proposed in northern Shan State, Myanmar.