Case: American Petroleum Institute v. SEC v. Oxfam Defending Transparency Regulations against Big Oil’s Challenge. When an oil industry group challenged U.S. regulations that would require disclosure of...
Case: Bowoto v. Chevron Peaceful Protest, Military Response: Chevron’s Complicity in Murder and Torture in Nigeria.
Case: Budha Ismail Jam, et al v. IFC An Indian fishing community takes on the World Bank. Fishing communities and farmers are taking on the International Finance Corporation...
Case: Campos-Alvarez v. Newmont Mining Shooting Peaceful Mine Protesters in Peru. In Peru, police brutality against earth rights defenders is a systemic problem especially in...
Case: Chadín 2 Hydroelectric Power Project Request for Constitutional Protection for Earth Rights Defenders Affected by Chadin 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant. The Chadín 2 Hydroelectric Plant...
Case: Dawei Special Economic Zone One of the largest planned industrial zones in Southeast Asia could harm tens of thousands of people. Dawei Special Economic...
Case: Energy Transfer Partners v. Greenpeace, BankTrack, et al. Defending dissent and the right to free speech.
Case: Hongsa Power Plant and Mining Project The Hongsa project is a coal plant and mining project in Xayaboury Province, Laos, that includes a lignite coal mine,...
Case: Juana Doe et al. v. IFC Honduran Farmers Sue World Bank Group for Complicity in Human Rights Violations. This is one of the most severe cases...
Case: Kiobel v. Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP A continued search for justice: Shell’s alleged complicity in torture and executions is challenged in the Netherlands. When the Ogoni...
Case: Koh Kong Sugar Plantation A violent land grab on a Cambodian Sugar Plantation. In the mid-2000s in southwestern Cambodia, a violent land grab by...
Case: Maxima Acuña-Atalaya v. Newmont Mining A family’s struggle against one of the world’s biggest mining companies. The Chaupe family, including Goldman Environmental Prize Winner Máxima Acuña-Atalaya...
Case: Oxfam America v. Securities and Exchange Commission Forcing the Securities and Exchange Commission to implement the U.S. extractive transparency law. When the U.S. Congress passed Section 1504...
Case: Sahu v. Union Carbide In Bhopal, India, people continue to suffer from water contamination. And no one is taking responsibility. In 1984, the world’s...
Case: Shwe Gas Project The Shwe Gas Project is a large scale natural gas project stretching from the Bay of Bengal in Myanmar to...