Video: Don Sahong Millions of people in the Mekong River Region are at risk of losing their livelihoods, as more and more hydroelectric...
Video: EIA: Reflections from communities in Myanmar Environmental Impact Assessments, or EIAs can be a crucial tool for communities who face harmful development projects. ERI uses this...
Video: EIA: Reflections from Communities in Thailand EIAs offer a chance for communities to voice their opinions about the development projects that will affect their lives and...
Video: Kyaw Win: Last Man Standing Kyaw Win and his family refused to leave when JICA and the Myanmar Government offered inadequate compensation and substandard housing...
Video: MLAI: Building the Human Rights Movement in Southeast Asia Law is a powerful took to change people’s lives. Law gives a voice to a community. Law adds legitimacy to...
Video: Oil in the Corrientes Achuar communities in the Peruvian Amazon struggle to protect themselves from the oil operations of U.S.-based company Occidental Petroleum.
Video: The Women of Dawei Women living in Myanmar’s Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) are concerned about the impacts the project may have on the...